Cape Canaveral Lighthouse – Throwback Thursday to 1959
Several of my bike rides around the Cape Canaveral Space Force Base started at the Cape Canaveral Lighthouse.
The Lighthouse has stood watch over the Cape for over 155 years. The Cape Canaveral lighthouse is owned by the United States Space Force and maintained as an active aid to navigation by the United States Coast Guard.
The Lighthouse is located approximately one mile inland on Cape Canaveral. The lighthouse stands 151 feet tall with 176 stairs up to the location of the beacon.
I was fortunate enough to locate several old and historical photos of the Cape Canaveral Lighthouse while I worked at The Cape.
Below is one of my favorite photos of the Lighthouse with a beautiful palm tree located in the foreground of the Lighthouse with the old Oil Building (located on the left) and Caretakers Houses also in the photo. This photo is from 1959. The beautiful palm tree is no longer there but the Oil House still remains. And one of the caretakers houses have recently been reconstructed.
A view of the Cape Canaveral Lighthouse – The photo was taken on 12-2-1959 (Photo courtesy of NASA)
Below are several photos taken of the Lighthouse in November of 2016.