Nestled near the tip of Cape Canaveral lies a very unique launch complex constructed in 1957. At first sight you would not recognize it as a typical launching pad for rockets, instead of launching vertical, the rockets are launched horizontal …

Cape Canaveral Launch Complexes 21 & 22 – Part 1 Read more »

Some pictures from atop Launch Complex 46 – soon to be the site of the Orion Assent-Abort 2 (AA-2) test flight. Modifications to the launch complex are in work for the Pad Abort Test of the Launch Abort System (LAS) …

Stormy Day and Rough Seas at the Cape – View from Launch Complex 46 – Biking through Space Ruins Read more »

What is it about seeing a Lighthouse’s that invokes a feeling that reaches deep inside of us and harkens back to a past long forgotten? The history and nostalgia of each lighthouse and the Keepers of the light and how they played a …

Cape Canaveral Lighthouse – Cape Protector (Part 1) – Biking the Cape Read more »